Firefighter Rescue: It’s All About the Technique
Often on the fireground, even when working in a large department, tasks are performed by small groups of two to four individuals. When things go wrong on the fireground, seconds count. You may not have time to wait for the other firefighters or the rapid intervention team (RIT) to arrive. With that philosophy in mind, Captain David Umfleet and Captain Chad Foster have taken a close look at many of the training evolutions that are common in the fire service and asked one simple question: “Can this rescue be accomplished with fewer resources, either people or equipment?” Umfleet and Foster found that in many cases they were able to refine or alter a common technique to allow one or two firefighters to rescue a downed brother or sister.
Run time: 52 minutes
Mid-rise Firefighting; The Wood Frame Monster
In the Mid-rise Firefighting; The Wood Frame Monster, Captain Bill Gustin looks at one of the most dangerous buildings that firefighters face these days, the wood frame monster. These buildings exist in almost every community in the world and more and more are going up every day.
Keep you and your crew safe. Learn about these buildings.
2 Hours and 6 Minutes Published 2017
Hazmat Awareness Operations Refresher
It is crucial that every first responder maintain hazmat training. These types of incidents are becoming more and more prevalent every day.
In this video, David Probo takes us through an all-day hazmat class appropriate for a general hazmat awareness operations refresher. With this video, along with a hands-on training session that addresses product control, a fire department can fulfill its hazmat operations refresher training requirement.
4 hr 46 min
25 To Survive Seminar
Fires in residential buildings account for the largest number of operational firefighter line-of-duty deaths (LODDs) year after year. Many of the LODDs occur as a result of a combination of failures involving basic firefighting tasks, initial implementation of standard firefighting strategies and tactics, and the inability to perform firefighting skills in zero visibility.
4 Hours 50 min
Grain Bin Rescue
Grain bins can be found in almost every community, from bins on rural farms to hoppers in industrial factories. It is imperative for first responders to understand the challenges present at a grain bin rescue.
58 min
In this classroom session, Captain Mike Dugan walks us through the 13-point size-up system using real-world examples. This 13-point system is designed to give the firefighter a quick process to continually assess the situation.
105 min
Control of Fireground Operations
When the correct expectations are set and followed, the fireground generally runs safer and more efficiently. Chief Anthony Avillo walks us through those expectations with his steps of fireground control. Going from pre-fire planning through post-control operations, Chief Avillo illustrates how creating an appropriate command structure and communicating effectively within that structure—both up and down the chain of command—creates an environment that is both safe and effective.
114 min
The Evolving Fireground
Gray and Norwood use the lessons learned from the research as well as their general knowledge of the fireground to illustrate safer and more effective ways to operate on the fireground. They discuss how to apply this new understanding of fire behavior to two of the fire service’s most important tasks: search and fire attack.
70 min
8 Attitudes of Servant Leadership
Chief Douglas Cline explores the eight attitudes of servant leadership that relate to the fire service. No role, position, job, task, or calling of leadership in emergency services can be effective unless there is first a willingness to serve. Although many strive to achieve positions that include higher ranks and leadership roles, not everyone wants to serve.
50 min.
Pride & Ownership: A Firefighter’s Love of the Job–Full Day Seminar
Chief Rick Lasky presents his renowned full day seminar on instilling pride and ownership in the fire service. Throughout this one-of-a-kind presentation, Chief Lasky offers upfront and honest criticism on the need to reignite the love of the job at every level, from chief down to probie.
5 hours
Fire Dynamics
NIST fire protection engineer Daniel Madrzykowski and fire service veterans Lt. John Ceriello and Chief Ted Nee cover the fire dynamics requirements of NFPA 1001, explaining the science behind fire behavior and how the science applies to the fireground.
40 min
Suburban Fire Tactics from the Right Seat
Jim Silvernail has teamed up with Dave Casey and Chris Niebling to delve into the world of suburban fire tactics. Looking at scenarios that range from houses to strip malls, the video addresses tactics based on differing levels of staffing and available resources. Each scenario is followed by a kitchen table discussion in which the authors discuss their personal experiences. This video is based on Jim Silvernail’s book Suburban Fire Tactics.
Approx. 1 hour
Bread & Butter Operations: Ground Ladders
In the Ground Ladders video, Lt. Mike Ciampo walks you through the proper use of ground ladders on the fireground.
33 min
And the Beat Goes On
Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder, Fire Engineering contributing editor and FDIC speaker, rallies the troops to fight smarter and safer by refusing to make common mistakes that can have fatal consequences—failing to wear a seatbelt, entering a building where there is no human life at risk, failing to drive safely, failing to wear SCBA and all protective gear at every call.
40 min
Bread & Butter Operations: Ventilation
In the Ventilation video, firefighter Joe Alvarez looks at the basic characteristics of smoke and heat, and shows how to use those characteristics to properly vent a fire. He looks at both horizontal and vertical ventilation, the two primary ways to vent a fire using natural ventilation.
25 min
Bread & Butter Operations: Search and Rescue
In the Search and Rescue video, Chief Skip Coleman discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the many different search techniques that have been popular through the history of the fire service, and explains why oriented search is the new standard for fireground search for bread and butter structures.
28 min
Bread & Butter Operations: Car Fires
In the Car Fires video, Chief Doug Leihbacher covers properly responding to a vehicle fire and the hazards associated with this type of call, as well as how to properly extinguish the fire whether it is in the engine, trunk or passenger compartment. Chief Leihbacher discusses the safety systems and materials in vehicles that we must be cognizant of in order to stay safe on the fireground. These include magnesium, as well as air bags and struts.
31 min
Bread & Butter Operations: Fire Streams
In the Fire Streams video, Aaron Fields discusses the various fire stream options available to today’s firefighters and how to properly use them to effectively, efficiently, and safely operate during fire attack. Firefighter Fields illustrates the variables that occur on the fireground such as water flow, air flow, temperature, and the changing pressure dynamic when water converts to steam.
31 min
Bread & Butter Operations: Initial Attack Lines
In the Initial Attack Lines video, Chief Jeff Shupe explains how to properly estimate the length of hose needed on the fireground, stretching that hose into place, and then advancing it into and through the structure. He covers properly estimating the stretch for various common structures and discusses how to effectively pre-plan and measure the stretch for unusual structures you may find in your response area.
26 min
Bread & Butter Operations: SCBA
In the SCBA video, Chief Phil Jose covers the daily check (visual and operational) of the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) as well as the proper way to don and doff the SCBA. Once donned, it is crucial to follow the rule of air management (ROAM). Chief Jose explains ROAM and how to use it on the fireground. Chief Jose walks you through properly addressing an SCBA emergency, such as a low air emergency or face piece problem.
28 min
The Art of Reading Smoke: Vol 1
Often, smoke issuing from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke before choosing attack tactical priorities! Incident Commanders and Safety Officers must know how to rapidly read smoke in order to keep firefighters within an acceptable risk-profile. Chief Dave Dodson’s The Art of Reading Smoke series contains live-action clips & real-world examples that can apply to many situations.
28 min
The Art of Reading Smoke: Vol 2 Practice Sessions
Often, smoke issuing from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke before choosing attack tactical priorities! Incident Commanders and Safety Officers must know how to rapidly read smoke in order to keep firefighters within an acceptable risk-profile. Chief Dave Dodson’s The Art of Reading Smoke series contains live-action clips & real-world examples that can apply to many situations.
26 min
The Art of Reading Smoke: Vol 3 Practice Sessions
Often, smoke issuing from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers must read smoke before choosing attack tactical priorities! Incident Commanders and Safety Officers must know how to rapidly read smoke in order to keep firefighters within an acceptable risk-profile. Chief Dave Dodson’s The Art of Reading Smoke series contains live-action clips & real-world examples that can apply to many situations.
32 min
Pride & Ownership: A Firefighter’s Love of the Job
In this thought-provoking and inspirational session from FDIC 2001, Chief Rick Lasky gives an upfront and honest criticism about the need to reignite the love of the job on every level, from chiefs and on down. Learn what you can do to drive your members to take pride in their job and assume ownership.
31 min
The Art of Reading Buildings: Introduction & Practice Sessions
The Art of Reading Buildings: Introduction & Practice Sessions video focuses on the practical art of reading a building and applying its positive and negative attributes in developing a size-up for fireground operations that center on structure fires. Chief John Mittendorf and Chief Dave Dodson take the viewer through the process of sizing up a building according to its type, era, use, and size so they can then classify and better understand the strengths and weaknesses of a building.
1 hr 50 min
Ten Commandments of Truck Company Operations
In this engaging six-hour seminar, internationally recognized authority Chief John Mittendorf covers the 10 precepts of truck company operations for all firefighters on the fireground. These commandments address the ten crucial areas of focus for a “truckie” on the fireground.
6 hours
Responding to Scenes of Violence
Every fire department and EMS agency will likely have to contend with emergency responses that involve the threat of violence. In Responding to Scenes of Violence, Steven Hamilton provides guidance on how to handle these potentially dangerous situations.
30 min
Focused Training Sessions: Wildland-Urban Interface Fires
In this classrooom session, Lt. Edward A. Wright takes a look at the wildland-urban interface, an increasingly prevalent area of focus in the fire service. As urban crawl continues around the world, more and more firefighters are called on to work in the wildland-urban interface. Wildland incidents can often seem overwhelming to the inexperienced wildland firefighter.
105 min
Air Management for the Fire Service: Full Day Seminar
Chief Phillip Jose—who along with his fellow “Seattle Guys” literally wrote the book on Air Management for the Fire Service—presents his all-day air management class. This five-hour video consists of three classroom sessions coupled with three hands-on rotations to instill the importance of proper air management, which is now mandated in NFPA 1404.
5 hours
Firefighter Survival Techniques
In this video, Frank Ricci and other notable instructors from departments of all sizes cover 28 tactics grouped into four categories (Fire Attack, Self-Rescue, Rescuing a Brother and Safety Precautions).
45 min
Flashover is both dramatic and deadly. Learn from Chief Vincent Dunn when flashover occurs and safety techniques that can prevent or delay this dangerous event.
20 min
Collapse of Burning Buildings: Wood Frame Building Collapse
In this five-part series, based on his widely-adopted & bestselling text Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety, Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn shares his experiences and knowledge about size-up, specific collapse types, patterns that occur, warning signs, and dangers inside as well as outside the structure. Discussion questions are presented at the end of the program.
Part 5: Wood Frame Building Collapse discusses types of collapse & their causes, fire spread, case studies, special dangers, porch & chimney collapse, and protection concerning this most common U.S. building.
17 min
Collapse of Burning Buildings: Wall Collapse
In this five-part series, based on his widely-adopted & bestselling text Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety, Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn shares his experiences and knowledge about size-up, specific collapse types, patterns that occur, warning signs, and dangers inside as well as outside the structure. Discussion questions are presented at the end of the program.
Part 1: Wall Collapse is based on observing hundreds of fires and describes how firefighters are as likely to get killed outside a burning building as inside, the different kinds of walls, the three ways they collapse, how far they fall, establishing danger zones, proper use of fire streams, flanking, responsibilities of officers, and more.
17 min
Collapse of Burning Buildings: Truss Roof Collapse
In this five-part series, based on his widely-adopted & bestselling text Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety, Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn shares his experiences and knowledge about size-up, specific collapse types, patterns that occur, warning signs, and dangers inside as well as outside the structure. Discussion questions are presented at the end of the program.
Truss roofs are the cause of many deaths and serious injuries, and their use is increasing. Part 3: Truss Roof Collapse covers case studies, definitions and terms, lightweight and timber trusses, construction features, conflicting size-ups, and safe operating procedures.
21 min
Collapse of Burning Buildings: Floor Collapse
In this five-part series, based on his widely-adopted & bestselling text Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety, Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn shares his experiences and knowledge about size-up, specific collapse types, patterns that occur, warning signs, and dangers inside as well as outside the structure. Discussion questions are presented at the end of the program.
Part 4: Floor Collapse features analysis and case studies of floor collapse, floor deck failure, and floor beam support for floor systems. It also identifies warning signs of collapse and outlines firefighter evacuation scenarios.
21 min
Collapse of Burning Buildings: Peaked Roof Collapse
In this five-part series, based on his widely-adopted & bestselling text Collapse of Burning Buildings: A Guide to Fireground Safety, Deputy Chief Vincent Dunn shares his experiences and knowledge about size-up, specific collapse types, patterns that occur, warning signs, and dangers inside as well as outside the structure. Discussion questions are presented at the end of the program.
The peaked roof is the most common and dangerous for firefighters. Part 2: Peaked Roof Collapse features analysis and case studies of types of peaked roofs, as well as the construction and types of collapses that can occur. It also covers fire hazard protection, hazard avoidance, roof slope and pitch, and the safety procedures necessary for working on or around peaked roof structures.
19 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #1: General Principles of Firefighting
Chief John Norman discusses the challenge of protecting occupants, whether you have sufficient manpower or while trying to deal with fire when there is insufficient manpower. He outlines standard operation procedures for the fireground and explains how to remain flexible for non-standard situations.
20 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #2: Size-Up
Chief John Norman discusses what size-up is, who performs it, and when it should be performed, the traditional 13-point size-up, COAL WAS WEALTH, understanding occupancy and building construction, and many other factors that affect size-up like weather, street conditions, time of day, and more.
40 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #3: Engine Company Operations
Chief John Norman shows you how to effectively manage the engine company operations by better understanding the three stages of fire, the methods of attack as they relate to the three stages and using technology wisely.
30 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #4: Hoseline Selection, Stretching and Placement
Chief John Norman covers hoseline selection, stretching and placement, choosing the right diameter hose for the job, the amount of hoseline needed to get the job done, the different types of nozzles, both straight stream and fog nozzles alike, specialty nozzles, tips and foams.
31 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #5: Water Supply
Chief John Norman teaches the basics of hydraulics, and why a good fire officer needs to understand the dynamics of water pressure and volume in order to successfully put out the fire.
31 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #6: Sprinkler Systems
Chief John Norman describes the various types of sprinkler systems common in today’s structures, as well as the advantages and issues of their use, the importance of proper size-up of a building’s sprinkler system, and how best to utilize the sprinkler system to maximize its effectiveness during a fire.
31 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #7: Standpipe Operations
Chief John Norman discusses the various types of standpipes that are found in buildings today, their intended uses, and how to properly implement them in a fire attack; the inherent weaknesses of the standpipe water supply, as well as the significance of selecting the appropriate attack stairs; and proper components for a standpipe kit.
26 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #8: Ladder Company Operations
Chief John Norman discusses tasks including LOVERS U (Laddering, Overhaul, Ventilation, forcible Entry, Rescue and Search, salvage, and control of Utilities); the importance of developing a plan of action so that you may assign apparatus, manpower, and equipment; and ladder company functions at structural fires.
42 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #9: Forcible Entry
Chief John Norman walks us through the various types of forcible entry–conventional, hydraulic, as well as through the lock. It is an essential skill to master for the true firefighter.
36 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #10: Ventilation
Chief John Norman fills us in on “venting for fire,” “venting for life,” and the importance of knowing when to perform vertical and horizontal ventilation.
46 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #11: Search and Rescue
Chief John Norman discusses primary and secondary search tactics, as well as various techniques, technologies, and tactics to help ensure a positive outcome in a search-and-rescue situation.
46 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #12: Safety and Survival
Chief John Norman walks us through tactics and strategies to minimize the possibility of putting ourselves in a position to require rescue, as well as real-world techniques to help us navigate situations to ensure that we all go home.
49 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #13: Private Dwellings
Chief John Norman discusses the real-world tactics used to fight fires in private dwellings. With over 425,000 one- and two-family private dwelling fires per year, it is a situation that eventually every firefighter will be faced with, many on a weekly basis.
30 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #14: Multiple Dwellings, Garden Apartments and Townhouses
Chief John Norman outlines the issues and tactics specific to these types of fires. Fires in multiple dwellings are an all-too-common occurrence, and they present a very great hazard to occupants and firefighters alike. Although garden apartments and townhouses share many common characteristics with other residential occupancies, Chief Norman outlines the tactical differences to help ensure a positive outcome at your next fire.
42 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #15: Store Fires
Chief John Norman takes a look at the common types of construction used in these types of “taxpayer” and “strip mall” buildings and some of the hazards they present. He discusses the various tactics and practices to help ensure a positive outcome, and make sure that everyone goes home.
34 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #16: High Rise
Chief John Norman, using the vast experience of his career as a FDNY firefighter, guides you through the tactics and procedures that help ensure a positive outcome during a high-rise office building fire.
42 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #17: Buildings Under Construction/ Fire Related Emergencies
Chief John Norman looks at some of the more unique events that firefighters must confront. These events can result in substantial loss and account for a large percentage of firefighter casualties. It is important to recognize, assess, and mitigate potential dangers at these incidents.
52 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #18: Structural Collapse
Chief John Norman discusses structural collapse, and examines the various causes of collapse, collapse indicators, and tactics to protect firefighters from collapse.
50 min
Fire Officer’s Handbook of Tactics Video #19: Terrorism and Homeland Security
Chief John Norman discusses the fire department’s role in terrorism and homeland security. In a post-9/11 world, the fire department must be ever-vigilant of the potential for terrorist attacks, both to deter them as well as manage them if they do occur.
52 min
Forcible Entry Video #1: Conventional Forcible Entry
One of the country’s leading forcible entry specialists, Chief (Ret.) Tom Brennan (1940-2006) shares with you the techniques, equipment, and procedures necessary to carry out the forcible entry operation.
#1 Conventional Forcible Entry covers:
- Exposure problems
- Types of doors
- Prying and striking tools
- Forcible entry strategies
- Door frames and walls
- Spreading and forcing techniques
35 min
Forcible Entry Video #2: Through the Lock: Cylinder and Key Tools
One of the country’s leading forcible entry specialists, Chief (Ret.) Tom Brennan (1940-2006) shares with you the techniques, equipment, and procedures necessary to carry out the forcible entry operation.
#2 Through the Lock: Cylinder and Key Tools covers:
- Basic principles
- Mortise and rim locks
- Key, Sunilla, “K” and “A” tools
- Night latches
- Lock details
- Deadbolts, tubular bolts, key-in-knob locks
22 min
Forcible Entry Video #3: Padlocks: Standard and Heavy Security
One of the country’s leading forcible entry specialists, Chief (Ret.) Tom Brennan (1940-2006) shares with you the techniques, equipment, and procedures necessary to carry out the forcible entry operation.
#3 Padlocks: Standard and Heavy Security covers:
- Lock locations and details
- Standard lock techniques
- U.S. and foreign locks
- Mounting devices
- Heavy security opening techniques
- Using halligan, bolt cutter, dent puller, and other tools
21 min
Forcible Entry Video #4: High Security Devices
One of the country’s leading forcible entry specialists, Chief (Ret.) Tom Brennan (1940-2006) shares with you the techniques, equipment, and procedures necessary to carry out the forcible entry operation.
#4 High Security Devices covers:
- Recognizing the scissor gate and roll-down metal door configurations
- Details of construction and the different types of operations
- When to cut the lock and when to cut the door
- Techniques in cutting the roll-down metal door
- Dangers unique to fire incidents with high security devices
20 min
Forcible Entry Video #5: Special Locking Devices
One of the country’s leading forcible entry specialists, Chief (Ret.) Tom Brennan (1940-2006) shares with you the techniques, equipment, and procedures necessary to carry out the forcible entry operation.
#5 Special Locking Devices covers:
- Identifying special locking devices
- Methods of entry for each type
- Cylinder plates — exposed bolt and hidden bolt
- Fichet type locks, Mul-T-Lock, and Police locks
30 min
Tactical Perspectives #4: Search
Lt. Ricci and Battalion Chief/Shift Commander Jim Duffy illustrate the perspective of search. They outline the importance of a primary search and a secondary search, and look at hostile searches, VES, and other tactics that help ensure a positive outcome and keeping ourselves safe. From the search tactical perspective, they then review the issues involved in a room-and-contents fire, an attic fire, and a basement fire.
22 min
Tactical Perspectives #1: Command
Lt. Ricci and Deputy Chief Anthony Avillo illustrate the perspective of command. They outline the need for planning to avoid issues, size-up to address problems on the fireground, and important tactical considerations during the execution of command. From the command tactical perspective, they then review the issues involved in a room-and-contents fire, an attic fire, and a basement fire.
41 min
Tactical Perspectives #6: Dispatch–Handling the Mayday
When a Mayday occurs, the dispatcher is often the critical link who facilitates the safe rescue of the trapped or missing firefighter. Chief P.J. Norwood and Lt. Ricci illustrate dispatch’s role in handling a Mayday situation. They cover the LUNAR procedure from the dispatcher’s perspective, discuss the various equipment that firefighters use, and illustrate the importance of the dispatcher in the recognition and successful mitigation of a Mayday. They also talk with current dispatchers and firefighters to illustrate what can be done to help keep firefighters safe.
35 min
Tactical Perspectives #2: Fire Attack
Lt. Ricci and Chief Chris Pepler illustrate the perspective of fire attack. They outline the importance of an engine company sizing up, choosing the correct hoseline, and selecting the proper water supply. These skills are crucial for providing a safe fireground. From the fire attack tactical perspective, they then review the issues involved in a room-and-contents fire, an attic fire, and a basement fire.
23 min
Tactical Perspectives #3: Ventilation
Lt. Ricci and Chief P.J. Norwood illustrate the perspective of ventilation. They outline the importance of coordinating ventilation with the other disciplines on the fireground. Ricci and Norwood discuss the types of ventilation and when to vent for fire versus venting for life, as well as the timing issues involved with proper ventilation. They also discuss positive pressure ventilation. From the ventilation tactical perspective, they then review the issues involved in a room-and-contents fire, an attic fire, and a basement fire.
28 min
Tactical Perspectives #5: Mayday
Lt. Frank Ricci and Chief P.J. Norwood illustrate Mayday operations. Using several actual Mayday calls, they show how to transmit the Mayday, underscoring the importance of the LUNAR acronym. They discuss potential tactical failures on the fireground and the significance of Mayday training on all levels of the fire department—from probie up to the chief—in order to properly mitigate a Mayday situation.
37 min
“There’s the Door” –Introduction by Chief Rick Lasky
Rick Lasky, Chief (Ret.), Lewisville (TX) Fire Department, welcomes the firefighter to the fire service family, and discusses expectations as a firefighter. If fire service is not your passion, “There’s the door!”
Communication skill drills
Communication is critical on the fireground.
Ropes and Knots skill drills
Knowledge of ropes and knots is crucial to many areas of firefighting.
Personal Protective Equipment skill drills
Personal protective equipment must be worn and maintained properly at all times.
Tools skill drills
Firefighters rely on tools for numerous tasks while on duty. Properly using and maintaining those tools is essential.
Forcible Entry skill drills
Getting through locked doors and windows can be a difficult and time-consuming task. It’s important to use proper technique in order to minimize the time spent on these tasks.
SCBA skill drills
SCBA is the tool that allows firefighters to work within the IDLH environment. Proper use and maintenance of SCBA is vital to its effectiveness.
Ladders skill drills
Knowledge of ladders is crucial to many areas of firefighting.
Search skill drills
Searching for victims is often a difficult and dangerous task. It is crucial to know how to properly and safely search a structure.
Water Supply skill drills
Water is the primary extinguishing agent in today’s fire service. Knowing how to get water to the fireground is essential.
Ventilation skill drills
A fire needs three things to thrive: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Knowing how and when to properly ventilate a structure allows firefighters to better control and extinguish a fire.
Safety and Survival skill drills
Safety on the fireground is everyone’s job. Firefighters must know how to stay safe in any situation, as well as what to do in order to rescue a fellow firefighter in the event that something goes wrong.
Fire Attack skill drills
Fire attack is a primary function of the fire service. Getting water onto a fire efficiently is imperative.
Salvage and Overhaul skill drills
Protecting victims’ belongings while rooting out any hidden fire is crucial on the fireground
Vehicle Fires skill drills
Vehicle fires are some of the most common events that the fire service must handle. It is important that these events are managed in a safe and efficient manner.
EMS skill drills
EMS calls are the most common calls in the fire service, so it is vitally important that firefighters are prepared for these events.
Hazmat skill drills
Hazmat calls can be daunting and potentially very dangerous. It’s vital that firefighters are trained to respond with the knowledge and the abundance of caution that hazmat situations warrant.
The Right Seat: Officer Development Beyond the Textbook, Vol. 1
Chief Dave Casey and Captain Chris Niebling delve into the world of officer interpersonal skills and decision-making. Using staged scenarios portraying real-world situations, this video addresses various relational issues that company officers face in the firehouse, in the public, and on the fireground. Volume 1 contains 10 scenarios that range from a senior firefighter undermining an officer, to the chief not wearing PPE.
68 min
The Right Seat: Officer Development Beyond the Textbook, Vol. 2
Chief Dave Casey and Captain Chris Niebling delve into the world of officer interpersonal skills and decision-making. Using staged scenarios portraying real-world situations, this video addresses various relational issues that company officers face in the firehouse, in the public, and on the fireground. Volume 2 contains 10 scenarios that range from not telling the captain, to a captain cover-up.
75 min
The Right Seat: Volunteer Officer Development
Chief Dave Casey and Captain Chris Niebling delve into the world of the volunteer company. Aimed specifically at volunteer officers, this video covers many of the leadership issues unique to the volunteer service.
59 min
Focused Training Sessions: Forging a Culture of Safety
In this classroom session, Chief Anthony Avillo examines the preparation, attitude, and philosophical approach needed to be successful in the fire service, as well as the operational and organizational skills critical for working in the stressful environment of the fireground. This course looks at the importance of setting expectations, providing a proper example, and developing conflict-resolution skills.
115 min
Air Management for the Fire Service: Train the Trainer Sessions
Chief Phil Jose and the air management team present train-the-trainer segments, designed to empower instructors and training officers to teach air management to their departments, now mandated in the NFPA 1404.
10 hrs
Mastering Fireground Command Video #1: Real World ICS/Residential Fires
In his Mastering Fireground Command series, Chief Anthony Kastros captures the essential elements of commanding structure fires, including size-up, strategy and tactics, building construction, fire behavior, communications, and the real world use of the Incident Command System (ICS).
Video #1: Real World ICS/Residential Fires provides a real world application of ICS for the street and a detailed examination of the NIOSH operational causal factors surrounding firefighter line of duty death (LODD), and then focuses on the use of the ICS during residential fire events.
72 min
Mastering Fireground Command Video #2: Multiple Family Dwellings/Apartments
In his Mastering Fireground Command series, Chief Anthony Kastros captures the essential elements of commanding structure fires, including size-up, strategy and tactics, building construction, fire behavior, communications, and the real world use of the Incident Command System (ICS).
Video #2: Multiple Family Dwellings/Apartments provides a real world application of ICS for the street, and then focuses on the use of the ICS during fires involving multiple family dwellings, garden and center hall apartments, duplexes, fourplexes, and known victim trapped situations.
51 min
Mastering Fireground Command Video #3: Commercial Buildings
In his Mastering Fireground Command series, Chief Anthony Kastros captures the essential elements of commanding structure fires, including size-up, strategy and tactics, building construction, fire behavior, communications, and the real world use of the Incident Command System (ICS).
Video #3: Commercial Buildings provides a real world application of ICS for the street, and then focuses on the use of ICS during fires involving commercial buildings, including stand alone, strip mall, big boxes, bowling alleys, and more. Actual command post footage is included.
73 min
Mastering the Fire Service Assessment Center: Tactical Simulation Exercises
In this essential companion to his best-selling book, Mastering the Fire Service Assessment Center, Chief Kastros provides you with tactical simulation exercises that allow you to hone your skills to become a proficient fireground officer and test like one!
44 min
Mastering Unified Command: From Hometown To Homeland
Following up on his bestselling video series Mastering Fireground Command, Chief Anthony Kastros tackles multi-agency strategy and tactics for large-scale, all-risk incidents with Mastering Unified Command: From Hometown To Homeland. This video showcases how agencies and disciplines must come together under the Incident Command System, using unified command to handle the “new normal” that continually redefines emergency response in the United States.
1 hr 25 min
The Science of Firefighting
Using entertaining yet informative experiments, Capt. Doug Watson demonstrates how various physical laws of science apply to the fireground operations. In this DVD, Capt. Watson illustrates heat and its effects on smoke and pressure; he measures and quantifies the effect of hand placement when forcing a door; and he assesses the effect of footing a ladder from the front versus from the back.
48 min
Live Fire Training in Acquired Structures
Live fire training in acquired structures can allow your department to participate in real-world, practical scenarios. But, with real fire training comes real risks. This video by Chief Jim Kirsch with Lt. Frank Ricci will assist in following the procedures established in the NFPA 1403 Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions.
25 min
Tools of the Trade #2: Push/Pull Tools
Instructor Richard Fritz demonstrates the various techniques, offers safety tips, and provides useful hints on helping to keep you and your tools in top form and ready for actual fireground conditions.
35 min
Tools of the Trade #3: Prying Tools
Instructor Richard Fritz demonstrates the various techniques, offers safety tips, and provides useful hints on helping to keep you and your tools in top form and ready for actual fireground conditions.
22 min
Tools of the Trade #4: Power Saws
Instructor Richard Fritz demonstrates the various techniques, offers safety tips, and provides useful hints on helping to keep you and your tools in top form and ready for actual fireground conditions.
22 min
Tools of the Trade #1: Cutting and Striking Tools
Instructor Richard Fritz demonstrates the various techniques, offers safety tips, and provides useful hints on helping to keep you and your tools in top form and ready for actual fireground conditions.
22 min
Backdraft & Smoke Explosions
Superheated smoke is strong enough to push back the attack team and injure personnel. Chief Vincent Dunn helps you identify its causes and warning signs, and shows you how to protect yourself and your department personnel from injuries.
16 min
Master Stream Safety
This video describes the safe use of one of the most important tools in the fire service, the master stream. Chief Vincent Dunn discusses general safety rules for master stream use and the safe transition from interior to exterior attack.
20 min
Collapse Rescue for the Fire Service Part 1: Building Construction
This series by Chief Raymond Downey is a timely statement that considers nationally publicized collapses, including those caused by natural disasters, terrorism, and fire. This collection covers construction and collapse knowledge, as well as incident planning and operational procedures.
15 min
Collapse Rescue for the Fire Service Part 2: Collapse Causes and Types
This series by Chief Raymond Downey is a timely statement that considers nationally publicized collapses, including those caused by natural disasters, terrorism, and fire. This collection covers construction and collapse knowledge, as well as incident planning and operational procedures.
18 min
Collapse Rescue for the Fire Service Part 3: Strategic Considerations of Structural Collapse
This series by Chief Raymond Downey is a timely statement that considers nationally publicized collapses, including those caused by natural disasters, terrorism, and fire. This collection covers construction and collapse knowledge, as well as incident planning and operational procedures.
22 min
Rescue Operational Planning: Factors for Success
Based on Chief Downey’s book and featuring his 12-point plan for heavy-rescue incidents.
26 min
B&B Original: Advancing the Initial Attack Handline
Andrew Fredericks examines the safe and effective movement of the handline team into the fire area; coordinating the attack with the ventilation team; and the methods for keeping the handline moving, with an emphasis on intracompany communication.
20 min
B&B Original: Fighting Car Fires
Captain Bill Gustin demonstrates safe and effective techniques for extinguishing car fires. He discusses the main features and components of late-model cars and how they affect firefighting efforts, as well as what to expect with fires in older makes and models.
24 min
B&B Original: Methods of Structure Fire Attack
What is the best method of attacking structure fires? This question generates one of the most heated debates in the fire service. This video by Andrew Fredericks covers the three most widely recognized methods of structure fire attack—the indirect, direct, and combination methods—to help you decide which is the safest and most effective for your operations.
25 min
B&B Original: Peaked Roof Ventilation
Lieutenant Bob Pressler discusses roof styles often encountered by fire personnel, equipment needs, roof access, and types of cuts required for successful ventilation. Fireground safety procedures are constantly addressed, along with proper tool use and roof movement.
18 min
B&B Original: SCBA Safety & Emergency Procedures
Lieutenant Bob Pressler lends his experience and expertise to help you maintain the safe operation of your SCBA, the lifeline in the fire service. Includes instructional footage on donning and doffing procedures, handling equipment emergencies, hazard avoidance, and techniques to use in the event of an emergency.
16 min
B&B Original: Search & Rescue in Private Dwellings, Part 1-The Search Plan
Captain Bill Gustin, a veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search and rescue mission in private and multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searches, coordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions, and execute them as safely as possible.
32 min
B&B Original: Search & Rescue in Private Dwellings, Part 2-Operational Considerations
Captain Bill Gustin, a veteran of the fire service, gives you important information to accomplish the search and rescue mission in private and multi-family dwellings. Learn how to plan your searches, coordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions, and execute them as safely as possible.
28 min
B&B Original: Stretching the Initial Attack Handline
In this video, Andrew Fredericks identifies such important considerations as horizontal vs. vertical stretches and load, a formula for estimating accurate hose lengths based on the building and stair configurations, and how they affect the stretch.
19 min
Man vs. Machine
Machine extrication occurs every day, often in dangerous and complicated situations. In this video, Mark Gregory, Randy Miller, and Mike Meyer effectively demonstrate the tools and techniques required to successfully extricate a victim from various types of machinery.
57 min
Vehicle Extrication, Part 1: Vehicle Technology/Alternative Fuel and Safety Systems
In Part 1: Vehicle Technology/Alternative Fuel and Safety Systems, David Dalrymple addresses the challenges and concerns in performing extrication on traditional and alternative fuel vehicles. Manufacturers have introduced numerous structural and safety systems to make vehicles lighter, stronger, and safer than the vehicles of just a few years ago.
32 min
Vehicle Extrication, Part 2: Scene Management
In Part 2: Scene Management, David Dalrymple addresses the overarching extrication process. As a first responder, it is important to understand proper scene size-up and management in order to set up a safe and efficient extrication. He also covers scene safety, stabilization, and glass management, all skills important in allowing the responder to access and deal with patient considerations.
32 min
Vehicle Extrication, Part 3: Evolutions
In Part 3: Evolutions, David Dalrymple reviews the basic evolutions that every extrication responder should be able to perform. He looks at the various tools available to most responders and discusses which ones are appropriate for each task. He also addresses various side, roof, dash, and trench evolutions, as well as tunneling and ramming techniques.
36 min
School Bus Extrication
Basics aren’t enough at bus accidents. In School Bus Extrication, Leigh Hollins explains the likelihood of school bus disasters, and guides you through the complex challenges you’ll encounter on the scene of such accidents.
40 min